Welcome To FHD India

We help Poor children to get their life better.
We charity is an international charity that partners with communities through a holistic, sustainable development model that equips families with the tools and skills they need to lift themselves out of poverty. FHD India is a registered Christian humanitarian and social organization established & operating in India since 1995 with a vision of “.... a society where everyone can feel experience and enjoy the fullness of life.”
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Our Recent Programs

Poor people are at high risk of severe malnutrition & no education

Child Right Initiatives

Since its inception FHD India is helping deprived children to complete their primary education. Presently it is supporting about 400 children. Support includes study learning materials, tuition support, clothes, food etc.

Health, Hygiene & Sanitation

FHD India has organized more than 400 health check up camps and more than 500 health awareness programme on different health related issues and has helped more than fifty thousand people to access health services.

Livelihood Support

FHD India provides livelihood support to the poor and deprived people especially poor farmers, daily laborers or people not having definite sources of earning. It also disrupted our health system and affected health care around the world.

We Need Your Help For Rescue Child

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There are many variations of passage of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered ...


There are many variations of passage of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered ...


There are many variations of passage of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered ...

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